Click on the menu icon on top of the page, click on Product Store to see all our products. you can also search the product you want directly or select from the category.
Click on the product of your interest to read the product description, see product pictures and watch product video
Satisfied with what you have read/seen, click on “add to order”
Confirm your order and click on “proceed to checkout”
Add your details including your correct phone number and address. Note, without your correct phone number we cannot call to confirm your order and without us speaking to you, we cannot deliver your order.
Expect a call from us withing the next 24hrs to confirm your order for delivery
OPTION 2 (Place an order through whatsapp)
screenshot the product of your interest
click on the whatsapp icon floating on the website to chat us and send your screenshot. Send the following details:
Option 3 (Call us to help you place an order)
We have displayed our active line on top of our website pages. Call directly and tell us what you want to order.